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Choose the right protective equipment to ensure your safety during the workout —– protective equipment that we may or should use during the workout.

In the early stages of fitness, we use fitness gloves as a protective device, because at the beginning of training, our palms cannot withstand too much friction, and often abrade and even bleed. For some women, fitness gloves can also better protect their beautiful hands and minimize wear on the palms. “But after the novice period, take off your gloves and feel the power of the barbell. This not only makes your palms stronger, but also improves your grip strength”.


Booster belt:
This kind of protective device is usually tied to the wrist at one end and to a barbell at the other. It can effectively improve your grip strength, enabling you to use heavier barbells for training in movements such as hard pulling and barbell rowing. Our recommendation is not to use a booster belt during general training. If you use the booster belt too many times, it will not only have no impact on your grip strength, but will also create dependency and even reduce your grip strength.
Squat Cushion:
In the early stages of your squat, if you use a high bar squat, a cushion can alleviate the discomfort caused by the weight of the barbell. Put a cushion on the back trapezius muscle of your neck, and there won’t be so much pressure after the barbell is pressed on it. Similarly, like fitness gloves, we can use them in the early stages, and gradually adapt to them later, enabling us to improve our physical fitness.
Wrist/Elbow Guards:
These two things can protect the two joints of your arm – the wrist and elbow joints – in many upper limb movements, especially in bench presses. We may deform when we push certain weights that are difficult to control, and these two protectors can effectively protect our joints and prevent unnecessary injury.

Elbow Guards

This protective device is the most suitable one for us to use. The waist is the most vulnerable part for people to get injured during fitness. When you bend over to hold a barbell or dumbbell, when you perform a hard squat or even a recumbent push, your waist is exerting more or less force. Wearing a belt can effectively protect your waist, providing the strongest protection for our body, whether it is a generally soft bodybuilding belt, or weightlifting A hard belt for strength lifting. Each belt has different support capabilities. You can choose the belt that suits you based on your training program and intensity.
The term “knee pad” can be divided into many categories. Generally, we use sports knee pads in basketball, but that is not suitable for our fitness activities. In fitness, we need to protect our knees simply by squatting deeply. In squatting, we generally choose two types of knee pads, one is a knee cover, which can cover your knees like a sleeve, giving you some support and a thermal insulation effect; The other is knee binding, which is a long, flat band. We need to wrap it as tightly as possible around your knee. Knee binding gives you greater support compared to knee covering. In heavy squats, we can use knee binding for training.

Post time: Mar-23-2023